Welcome to Mystic Yogini!

I’ve always believed that when you want to feel free, awake, and at peace with yourself it all starts with two things. You have to come to terms with who you are and the world around you on the one hand, and you also have to reconnect with the spiritual side of the world that all too many people turn their backs on.

Your soul is here for a reason, and that reason is to allow you to move through the world and experience a journey through life unlike any other. Through a process of ascension and the embracing of your inner divinity, I want to show you that amazing things can happen when you do nothing more than open your mind to what is possible. The only problem is knowing where to begin…

When I faced the same problem I soon realized that if I wanted to find a little corner of the world the spiritual side of me could call home, I’d have to build it. In that moment Mystic Yogini was born, and I’ve never taken a backwards step since.

Through a life-affirming combination of readings, gemstones and unique jewellery you won’t find anywhere else, I work with the inner you so that you can become truly free for the very first time. It’s a journey that may not always be easy, but I can certainly tell you from experience that it is worth starting the moment you finish reading.

Who Am I?

I’m a believer in the psychic and mystic powers of the universe, someone who never stops striving to reconnect with their soul and a follower of ascension and divinity in every aspect of life. But how did I get here?

6 years ago I was going through a tough time in my journey. Events from the past were impacting my present in ways I could have never imagined. They felt like they were all-consuming and I could sense them overshadowing the light in my life, so I decided to step back and reassess.

I was meditating and becoming at one with my thoughts and inner self when my guides suddenly lifted me out of my body and explained that I was an oracle. I had no idea what this meant at the time, but little did I know that it would change everything…

Jump forward to 2018 and I was just coming to terms with a divorce I really should have seen coming. I was now part of a group meditation that studied from the Ascended Masters and learned what they had to say about the world. Before I knew it I became an oracle to the Ascended Masters and was performing readings and creating ascension maps.

Since then I have never looked back and exist to serve the world through consciousness and awareness of the inner self. This is who I am, and I’m here to set you free…

Featured In:

Mystic Rebel Arts Magazine

Rebelle Society