How Reiki Changed My Life

reikicatMany people don’t know it but I am a trained Reiki Master. I took my training almost seven years ago and have been teaching/facilitating sessions off and on during that time. My students range from Winnipeg to the West Coast as do my clients who are both on and offline.

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. The practitioner allows life for energy, aka Source energy, to flow through them to the client, allowing deep healing to occur on an energetic level. This can be likened to spiritual healing or giving positive energy to a person but with a bit of its own twist. Practitioners are given attunements, aka initiated into the lineage and go through specific training to facilitate Reiki sessions.

Even though its something I don’t talk about a lot taking my Reiki training was one of the most transformational things I’ve done in my life. It’s benefited me in ways I never could’ve predicted but in ways so awesome I’d never change them.

Here’s a list of the major ways Reiki has changed my life:

1) It is my rock in stressful/traumatic/overwhelming situations. 

Any time I feel myself going a bit crazy or going through really intense times I give myself Reiki. I don’t think about it any more – I just do it. It is something I know has helped me move through traumatic experiences in my life by creating a sense of inner peace, harmony and structure. Doing Reiki on myself every day in either the am or pm or both has created a solid sense of self no matter what is going on around me.

Check out this article to see a scientific study on Reiki (one of many) & its effects on mental health.


2) Reiki has created strong connections with powerful friends and allies.

Not only has it created strong bonds with my teachers but also with other practitioners and my students. Reiki is something I can connect with a lot of people on and something that creates connections with others in my life. It does that by allowing me to offer healing services, classes, joining Reiki Shares and having conversations about alternative healing methods.

3) It has opening my mind and intuition.

Daily practice of Reiki has definitely shifted my level of intuition for the better. Reiki slowly clears away all the stuff getting in the way of us hearing our intuitions and lets us tune into what our souls are trying to tell us. I’ve noticed a huge shift in not only myself but my students who practice Reiki daily for consistent stretches of time periods in their lives. I have also noticed most of the Reiki practitioners I meet are very intuitive people.



4) Reiki has opened the doorway to understanding healing.

That’s a very general statement I want to expand on more. Through my journey of Reiki and how it works I have discovered that Reiki allows the person who is receiving the energy to deeply relax. This deep relaxation allows our bodies to not only release and reset energy we don’t need to hold onto while our mind slows but it also allows for us to open up to receive more positive energy.

I’ve learned true healing takes place when we look at all layers of what makes up a human being, and none of the layers are isolated. Each layer has a ripple effect with very real results albeit usually subtle.

5) Through Reiki I’ve found my inspiration and passions.

It was while taking my Reiki classes I discovered crystals could be used as a healing tool. I was also inspired to research Reiki and the healing arts. It’s taken me on a journey of two psychic internships and tons of self-study and meditation all inspired when I learned how to channel energy. It’s a powerful art form I feel many have lost sight of.

6) To go through life through the heart. 

It has been challenging at time, for sure. Especially when no one understands why I’m making a decision or when I am walking away from a really great opportunity for a reason that is “It just doesn’t feel right.”

All of the best healing work I’ve ever done has been amplified through the power of the heart. Unconditional love is the most powerful energy to provide healing with. To hold someone in that space is potent. It is a practice for me to remember to consistently align my actions to those of unconditional love and not fear.


7) Reiki has taught me the power of the heart and intuition combined. 

There was a moment in one of my meditations I saw how intuition affects people. There are two ways intuition can be received and given away. The first is through the third eye. When information is solely based on the third eye and expressed its energy is sharp. Often there is ego involved and there isn’t as much of a care for how it affects the other person.

The second is when intuition is expressed through the heart. This is a powerful yet aligned way of speaking the truth to another human being and the energy of expression is much softer. It allows the person to receive it much better and is infinitely more effective at creating change.

8) To be open to the truth of the moment and the flow.

My Reiki Master taught me a style that was very intuitive. She gave us access to the standardized hand positions however she was very focused on ensuring we could tap into our own knowledge and wisdom.

Over time my Reiki practice has evolved beyond simply Reiki. Sessions with me now are combinations of readings, energy work and channelling. I now base sessions on whatever the client needs or wants to work on instead of restricting myself to only Reiki.

This openness to surrendering to the process allows amazing things – things I never would’ve thought- to happen inside sessions for both the client and myself. It becomes an amazing co-creative process.

Because of these things I always encourage energy workers of any kind to add Reiki to their repertoire of modalities. It has proven to be a great starting point for me as a healer and intuitive. It is a tool I still use regularly almost seven years later that never fails me.


To book an online session with Mystic Yogini send a message through the form here.