So Purkh Finale

love2So, 120 days of chanting So Purkh has come and gone. I still find myself chanting away each day. I find time to make it a part of my life because we are still not done with each other. It’s subtle vibration becomes stronger and stronger coating elements of my life with its magic touch. Its magic touch creates harmony from dissonance I have no courage or knowing to make right. It goes beneath the perspectives I have and shifts it anew to the truth.

This meditation has taught me a lot – not all of which I can explain in words. It has taught me to have stronger boundaries. It has shown me my weak points and my strong ones in relationships with other people. It has shown me my anger, fears, and grief. All the stuff I thought I didn’t hold any more it reminds me if I do, and helps me to let to of it all.

But most of all it has shown me that I can love all aspects of myself deeply. It has shown me that all I need is inside of me. And though I’ve been shown that, and experienced it I still have programs in my psyche that need to unravel so I can like all that I need is inside of me. And this is the process I feel like I am in right now, in this moment, as I write this for  you.

The last month of chanting So Purkh I had night mares. People began to chase me to murder me and sometimes I was in training to be the one to do the murder. The feelings with these dreams were incredibly unpleasant. I had other dreams where my psyche was getting rid of a woman I strongly disliked. The last time I had one of these dreams I knew it was So Purkh getting rid of aspects I dislike so I can come into relationship more fully, present and with love.

But this last month was also one of the more intense months I’ve had in my life. As I type this my back hurts, and I am unsettled for various reasons. The last two weeks have been a journey back and forth to the hospital as my dad recovers from Cardiac Arrest. When he first arrived at the hospital we didn’t know if he would live. After we knew he would live we didn’t know how much, if any, brain damage he would have. It was on day 120 of So Purkh my dad opened his eyes and we started the long process of recovery. The next day the news arriving he would make a full recovery.

And so I sit with my fears and triggers, dancing with them because they are the last to leave the dance floor. Even though they are second to show up they take over the party and stay until there’s nothing left but a mess to clean up.

This is a big process I feel like, and I feel called to keep chanting, keep tuning in, keep letting the vibration coat all aspects of my life.

What are your experiences with So Purkh?

Day 61 of So Purkh
Day 40 of So Purkh
Beginning So Purkh
About So Purkh