Multi-Dimensional Gridding

Its hard to say when I began to explore gridding however it didn’t really seem to do much for me. I recall taking a short two hour class on crystal gridding and leaving the class asking myself, “That’s it?” I felt like there had to be so much more than that!

The Beginning

So I began to experiment in my own home by creating grids that literally stretched through several dimensions at once. What this means is that the grid is created within the astral plane and I bring it into the physical plane. Now, random crystals don’t just pop up out of nowhere – I’m not that magical! But the grids that are made in the astral plane have a direct and potent effect on the physical reality. Thus, multi-dimensional grids were created.

Physical Anchors

At first, I created the grids with physical anchors. Each grid had to have a physical component to it. Then I began to experiment with creating grids with no physical anchors. A physical anchor would be a crystal or piece of glass or other resonant objects that could hold the energy of the grid in place. Without a physical anchor, the person setting the grid becomes the physical anchor automatically, which is actually pretty cool!

Over time I began to layer grids together and to experiment with what I could use the grids for. Turns out there’s a grid for pretty much everything: higher consciousness, ascension, prosperity, good health, good luck, protection, nightmares, etc. Each grid takes on its own shape, colours and frequency. Each grid also has its own unique anchor point either in the physical or in my own body.

I became obsessed with gridding my spaces with as many grids as I could possibly grid with! It got to the point where I had boyfriends complain that the grids were giving them headaches, and where people who were not sensitive sometimes noticed the change of frequency at the door. I noticed that when I did multiple grids in one area, overlapping them and building them on top of each other it was much more effective than if I did a similar thing with only crystals as I was originally taught.

New Magic

As I practiced, I began to feel like I had discovered what I had felt was missing from the original class I had taken. I had discovered the key component that made gridwork not only more powerful but also more accessible. If you are going into the astral realms to create a grid you don’t actually need any physical material. So that grid pack of 30 crystals becomes totally unnecessary. And right now, our world is all about the new magic coming in! This feels like new magic to me.

For years I experimented with different ways to create the grids. I began to venture further into the various dimensions and my understanding of them. Then I began to create in a different way and began to teach friends who were curious and wanted to learn how to do them as well. Now I’m teaching an in-person workshop and putting together an online class for this! If this sounds like something you want to learn more about, sign up for the newsletter to be notified when the next class is!

I’m so excited to be sharing multi-dimensional gridding with you so that you can uplevel all aspects of your life in a really easy and effective way – and have a lot of fun while we are at it!