Who Are Your Ascension Team?

For a long time, my end goal in this lifetime and my purpose has been to become enlightened. I’m very far from becoming an enlightened being, however, this desire has led me down an interesting path. With this desire always leading me forward I have been able to feel myself shift through various states of consciousness. Each shift of consciousness brought me new guides and new spiritual mentors. But when I began to work in-depth with the Masters, I became aware that I had been working for some time now with an entire team of beings that were handpicked by the Masters themselves to aid in my personal and spiritual growth.

This was incredible! I had an entire Ascension Team! And every single being does have their own handpicked ascension team!


Your very soul is aligned to specific bandwidths of consciousness. However, these frequencies can be so incredibly powerful and light-filled that they would short circuit your physical brain and body. These frequencies are embodied by various beings in the multi-verse. When you meet a being who’s frequency is too high for your energy system it can cause your system to short circuit. This is why when you meditate or sit beside someone in human form with good energy you feel better afterwards. Their energy system automatically is elevating you. It has an increased effect when you seek their counsel or wisdom because you are more open to it.

As you are walking the spiral path of evolution itself you are emitting a particular frequency. Beings from the higher frequencies cannot reach down to you unless you momentarily open yourself up to their frequency – often this is done in ceremonies of various kinds – and they can buffer their wisdom to you through other beings. In place of themselves, they have handpicked beings that have more resonant energies to where you currently are to help buffer the light of the message for your system.

This is partially why as you move through various uplevels the beings you work with shift and change. The being that is providing you spiritual counsel becomes the one that can hold the next level of consciousness you are currently learning about and integrating but also can act as a buffer for the messages that come from the higher realms.

When I first began to work intensely with the Masters I had several dreams with various Masters in them. Sometimes the dreams were intense and other times they were just regular dreams. One time I was hanging out with J.C. at a picnic table. We weren’t talking. We were just sitting beside each other. Then the Masters began to appear in my life – never talking, just hanging out as I was making dinner or watching Netflix. This went on for about 6 to 8 months and it drove me crazy!! I couldn’t understand why this was happening!

Then, one day, J.C. told me that they were raising my frequency to the level where I could actually hear them and interact with the energies of Masters. Them hanging out with me had a direct effect of elevating my frequency! This is when I began to learn about the Ascension Team that was working with me and helping me out in various areas of existence.

So who makes up your Ascension Team?

Your Ascension team is made up of various beings who are also seeking ascension. The members of your team can be anyone including previous family members, lineage holders, ancestors, aliens (there are quite a few species who are 5D or above), spiritual teachers, Masters, etc. From my understanding so far, your Soul chooses the beings that will best help you in your evolution and ascension process.

For me, it became very apparent that for many humans the Masters are integral to our Mastery. The Masters teach Self-Mastery, which is a huge component of 5D evolutionary consciousness. They work with many different beings that are aiming for Self-Mastery. However, many people are unable to communicate with the frequency the Masters reside on – the 7th Dimension – so the Masters handpick guides for individuals on the path of Mastery until they can receive transmissions directly from the Masters themselves.

If you are curious which Masters are working with you and if you have any questions for your Ascension team feel free to book a one question reading here or a full session here.