What is Ascension?

        What is it?  Ascension is the process of increasing the light quotient inside of your cells, your DNA, and therefore your light body. As a person goes through the ascension process - and it is a proc ...

Who Are the Ascended Masters?

The Ascended Masters are this really cool group of beings that are working towards total world domination with love. Just joking! ;) But kind of not. When I first learned about the Ascended Masters, I was totally blown away and like "WHO, WHAT??" ...

How Ascended Master Readings Were Born

  Earlier this year knee deep in the process of grief I felt unmoored. I felt as if I was falling into depths inwards and everything I had known I wanted to be and identified with was disappearing. Directionless and the unknown were filling my ...

Meditation for Change – Eyeglass Traatik Day 28

Well. There's not a whole lot going on with this meditation consciously. I feel like this meditation is mostly working on a subconscious level and I can tell you that I really don't enjoy it. I usually end up procrastinating this meditation until the end ...

{21.40 Meditation Challenge} Day 37

I am back into resistance with this meditation again. I am SO excited that we are almost done this challenge! Woo-hoo! It's been great. But this meditation has created a bit of upheaval in my personal life that I'm simultaneously happy and not happy wi ...