What is Ascension?





What is it? 

Ascension is the process of increasing the light quotient inside of your cells, your DNA, and therefore your light body.

As a person goes through the ascension process – and it is a process – the light that is held within the cellular structure of your body and your DNA increases. This process of increasing the light inside of the DNA is known as “Activating Your DNA”. This process happens naturally over time unconsciously. It can happen faster and in a more graceful and easeful way if you participate in the process in a conscious way.

This process of Ascension is happening right now on the planet. It is happening to all beings on the planet because it’s not just humanity that is ascending. The planet is actually ascended and moving into another dimension. In order to move with her, we must also ascend.

The Process

The Ascension Process is completely unique to each individual. Each individual has an unique blueprint and dharma to be. Each individual will find different ways to embody the light and to increase their light quotient.

This process of ascension is possible because our brains are super computers and whatever the programs are that run inside of the brain are the programs that the cells and dna operate with. When we can shift our programming to the programming of the 5D world we end up creating a massive shift inside of our physical forms.

In order to hold more light we must obtain a healthy physical body. The healthier our body is the more light the body automatically retains. When we consciously guide and draw more light into our body we will notice that we desire healthier habits automatically in order to retain the most light possible.

What Happens as we Ascend?

As we move into more light embodied beings we will vibrate faster and have a more expanded consciousness. We will increase our vibration and expand into Oneness Consciousness. Once we vibrate into Oneness Consciousness our Soul will collapse and we will embody the Divine Being that we are.

We become more individualized in the sense of completely being the facet of God that we are. However, we collapse into the Oneness Consciousness and we shift into the focus of “How can I serve and enlighten the collective?”

How To Increase Your Light Quotient

Ways to collect more light into our bodies include: Yoga, dance, movement, meditation on light, violet flame, sungazing, meditation on the sun, working with the Ascended Masters Helios and Vesta, consciously reprogramming lower frequency gunk inside of our DNA and Cells and Programs, shifting the mindset, opening the heart, learning to receive love and light, connecting to your I AM Presence every day, healing your inner wounds, coming into your sovereignty.

What are your favourite ways to increase your light quotient?