Energize Your Practice & Magnetize Your Life | Act of Worship

Artwork by Alex Groseth

Artwork by Alex Groseth


That word has come up a lot in my life recently. I’ve begun working with a business coach and she frequently mentions energizing where I am going and who I want to be.

I notice I’ve begun thinking in terms of energization. I began to pay attention to where I put my energy and if I want my energy to go to that spot in life. I started to notice when I was energizing something I didn’t want to draw to me. Or that I do want.

Then I was listening to this episode on Spirit Voyage Radio. It just so happened to be on Aquarian Business. Guru Jagat from the Ra Ma Institute talks about how important it is to energize your practice and your teaching every day with a full sadhana. She mentions that her practice grew so fast because of her dedication to the practice.

And later that week I watched the documentary Awake about Yogananada, whom I love. I noticed a pattern: in many of the great gurus lives, including Yogananada, Jesus and the Buddha, they studied and practised intensely for a period of ten years before they became the teachers we know them as.

As I contemplated this I began to think about a Kundalini Yoga thing: If you give 2.5 hours a day to God, your day will be filled with God. I thought about how an act of worship occurs rarely in my life. And I thought about dharma.

All of these great teachers had to go through the same cleansing of shit we are all struggling against. Sure its not the exact same – they lived different lives in different time periods and some had fortunes while others didn’t. The biggest difference is the intensity and frequency of their practices to connect to the Godhead energy.

If you practice every day you are energizing your connection to God – if you want to be technical about it that God is you, and is All There Is – so you are energizing your connection to the God(ess) You Already Are but Can’t See (Yet). The more you do this the more you clear the pathway for that energy to access you.

The more that energy can access you the more It can clear away the karmas and anything that inhabits you from walking your dharma – your truth/purpose/path/destiny/life mission/work.

The more you practice the more you realize every single action you take in an act of worship. Every single moment is an act of worship. It just comes down to this following question: what are you worshipping right now?

I don’t worship my Godself every day let alone with every action. Yet I can feel myself aligning with something greater than myself slowly but surely the more I keep up with my practice, whatever it is in that moment. And it becomes more and more natural to worship God(ess). Slowly the act of worship is becoming ingrained in the way of Being in Life.

The more you energize something the more life it brings to you. The more it transforms your life to match the frequency of what it is. If you energize God enough, God will shift your life so It can fill your life.

It will be effortless on your part beyond consciously practising and receiving.

Could you imagine what life would look like with full acceptance of the Godself operating in total fullness of Consciousness?


So it becomes simple:

If you are a yoga teacher and you want lots of yoga students and yoga opportunities: do yoga everyday. Talk about it. Show people it. Invite people. Put your energy into it.

If you want to change jobs begin to energize the job you want – your dream job. Make a resume up and send one out each month. Volunteer somewhere related to the job you want. Join a club or meet up connected to that work.

If you want a lover begin to act like you are in love with a lover. Have you ever noticed that when you fall in love potential lovers pop out of the framework? It’s ’cause your so radiant! So create radiance around you: dress up a bit, put on that new perfume, dance a bit more. And if you really want one, ask! Not just the Universe, the one you are interested in.

What are you energizing? And how?