Art Parties | Dancing | Art Shows

DSC_1769It was a cold grey January day when I received an email from an Art Show based in Vancouver asking if I was interested in displaying my artwork. More truely it simply stated, “The art director has viewed your art and would like to display it at the next event…”.

I looked at the venue and said “YES!”.

Little did I know that prepping for this art show would absorb me almost totally. I have spent so much time painting the past couple of months I’ve learned I have muscles in places I’ve never thought about before. I have discovered new ways of painting, labelled my artwork as very masculine, and created an entire painting from the dust of crystals.

Hours and hours of “work” has been applied. I’ve even stopped really hanging out with people: they come over and I keep painting as we chat.

And I’m still not ready!

February brought the preparation of a dance performance! Woohoo! And a mural to do in a local restaurant! Yeah baby!

But my fingers are itchy! I want to go write. I want to see the words weave themselves from my mind to my fingertips. I want to transport my visions to a place where it can be seen by all. I love to make art. And I love to write.

I think more than anything I love to write and make art on my own schedule not on other people’s timelines. It takes hours and hours and hours to prepare for this show not including the time it will take to get there and back and all that other jazz. At the time of the decision making I decided I wanted to energize my artwork.

Now we will see how that goes.

Much apologizes to you readers, as I keep on painting away. I’m hoping now that I’m nearing the completion of several works, to begin writing more frequently. I cannot wait!


I’ve been meditating like crazy too! More on that soon! 😉


If your not following me on Instagram you should be. mysticyogini is my name. 😉
