3 Ways to Protect Your Energy

One of the things I get asked most about is how to protect your energy. Here are three ways that I personally use to protect myself using white magic.


This is the most popular way I think. I believe the best way for this to be effective is to use the plants that grow on the land you are on. Energetically, I feel like the land supports your energy system and the plants that are around you will best support the way your body feels. I rarely use herbs that are not in this area, though I do carry Palo Santo with me because it’s easy to carry and whip out on a whim. In my home, I prefer to use Sage and herbs local to the land that I am on – as close as I can get. When I can’t access any plants I use the next method.

White Light

This is the method I prefer to use because I am a big fan of Spiritual Minimalism. This means that I like to do things that require no tools – beyond my will + imagination + myself – in the metaphysical world. Working with light is amazing, and I use white light to create protection around myself and the spaces I am in. To do this I simply imagine white light inside of my body, and then my aura and set the intention that I am protected. If I am doing the space I am in I imagine white light fills the space and creates protection. I imagine that the white light removes anything not of the highest love and light.

Invoke Archangel Micheal

When I was much younger I used to call on Archangel Micheal ALL THE TIME. I joked around that he had permanent residency in my room. An invocation is stronger than a prayer. It has already happened and automatically happens because you are creating through your God Self. I often would say, “I AM that I AM And I invoke Archangel Micheal to come here now to protect me on all planes. Provide your blue flame of protection around me, my home and my space. Thank you.” And then I imagine the blue flame of protection where I have directed it. It’s amazing how well this works!

I hope this list helps you feel protected and empowers you.

To find out more about protecting yourself you can feel free to purchase my book on White Magic Protection here, where I delve into more than 15 ways to protect yourself including short term and long term protection methods. 🙂