Crystal Porn Wednesday – October Edition

Uvite in and on quartz. I think this is just amazing. I love how they are combined together. I looked up Uvite and found out it is a type of green tourmaline! Sweet heart opener amplified by Quartz! Anyways Uvite also eliminates negativity and balances all sides of you (masculine/feminine, right/left brain, etc).

Erionite-K. Yes, that is a real name of the mineral you see before you. Crazy, eh? I think it forms in small masses on other minerals. Its pretty trippy. Not common.


This is apparently a micro version of crystal porn this month. This is an itty bitty mineral on top of quartz and some unknown green stuff. I love the colouring the star-like shape of the Kasolite. Could not find qualities of it via google which tells me its uncommon and tiny. 🙂

This is just stunning. It reminds me of cotton candy and I just want to eat it because it looks so soft and yummy! I’ve never heard of this one before. It comes from Peru. Its quite rare and metaphysical properties were not available. I feel like it would have powerful medicine for those who hold it, and something tells me it has to do with Peruvian Plant Medicine.

I screamed in delight when I saw this one!!! It’s SO cute!! OMG! I love it! Anyways, Langite I’ve not heard of before. It is pretty rare and Cerussite is much more common. It’s the clear stuff and deals in spiritual alchemy. Ooooo la la!

Rutile on Hematite. I love how the rutile is actually outside of the hematite. I’ve never seen that before. This would be an amazing expansive and grounding stone.


P.S. Yay! I’m excited to announce I have created a new patreon account and I would appreciate your support if you love my work here. 🙂